A lot of you are asking me about the complete stop of activity on this blog. The point is that where a live, an italian mountain town obviously unknown to the masses, we had back on 6th april a fucking and roaring earthquake, one of those that demolishes buildings and kills hundreds of people. You can read more about it here and here.
See here for a pictures report of what happened.
So now i'm really cut-off from broad-band connectivity, crate diggin', musical uploads and son on.
Many thanks for the attention
Oh how horrible. I hope your loved ones are all OK.
Spero tutto bene dopo questa tragedia. Il tuo blog è importante, per me uno dei migliori in assoluto. Tantissimi auguri!
just came across your blog jizz blessings to you all mate
best wishes
scopro solo adesso questo stupendo blog. Tieni duro, Aquilano!
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